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Melvin Storbacka

Melvin Storbacka

About Me

🙃💫 I love physics!

🧒🏼 I live in Stockholm, Sweden, and have been very interested in physics and mathematics since I was 12. Ever since then, I have strived towards doing research within physics.

📚 I am currently studying Engineering Physics at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.

⚛ Apart from studying, I am also working on a research project within nuclear astrophysics at KTH. Read more here!

🏫 In high school, I participated in olympiads within physics and astronomy, and participated in the International Physics Olympiad in 2023. I was also active at my school's astronomy association. I am still active within national science associations, aimed at encouraging young students to participate in science and research, such as Rays* — for excellence and Astronomisk Ungdom.

📧 If you have a fun physics problem, book recommendations, a question, a tip — really, any reason to contact me — do not hesitate to reach out! Have a great day!